2022 Colfax Marathon Kick Off!

March 5, 2022
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Emily Haller and the Run for Nana community have been running and raising funds for C. difficile treatment and microbial research since 2016. The 2022 Colfax Marathon season is kicking off and ACT is excited to share a guest post from Emily Haller with updates on our Colfax Run for Nana race team! You can read more about the Run for Nana team at https://runningfornana.com.

Hello, dear Running for Nana Community!

What a joy it was to gather in person with so many of you in October to Run for Nana and Achieving Cures Together (ACT) at the Colfax Marathon Weekend! We were also so delighted to welcome Christie Lansdowne, Executive Director of ACT, to Colorado!

This post has been a long time coming, and I am so thrilled to be writing to you today. When Running for Nana started in 2016, we had just lost our beloved Nana to C. diff in August 2015 after an incredible fight. I was searching for a way to cope with, process, and fight back against this awful infection in the hopes that others might not have the same experience as Nana. I could not have imagined what this community has become, and I am so deeply honored and grateful to each and every one of you for bringing this community to life.

Through our 2021 race, the Running for Nana community raised over $15,000 for ACT and the fight against C. difficile. That means that since Running for Nana started in 2016, this team has raised over $100,000, supporting the advancement of cures and treatments for C. difficile and many other conditions. All of these funds have gone directly to ACT and the University of Minnesota’s Microbiota Therapeutics Program (MTP) – two leaders in C. difficile research.

Specifically, you helped make the following advancements possible:

  • Over 1,000 patients have been cured from recurrent C. difficile infections – all at no cost to the patient. ONE THOUSAND people who got to have more time with their loved ones.
  • Supplied intestinal microbiota therapeutics (IMT) to clinical trials around the country, targeting:
  • C. difficile Infections Multi-Center Trial (Veterans Administration Medical System)
  • C. difficile Infections Clinical Treatment Registry (University of Minnesota, Indiana University, Brown University, Harvard University)
  • Autism (Arizona State University)
  • Pitt-Hopkins Disease (Arizona State University)
  • Ulcerative Colitis (University of Minnesota)
  • Advanced Liver Disease (Richmond VA & Virginia Commonwealth University)
  • Complications of Bone Marrow Transplantation (University of Minnesota)
  • Complications of Intensive Chemotherapy for Acute Leukemia (University of Minnesota)
  • Immuno-oncology (University of Minnesota)
  • Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (University of Minnesota)
  • The MTP developed capsules of the IMT treatment, making it more accessible to fight recurrent C. difficile. This meant that the treatment no longer had to be delivered via a colonoscopy-like procedure and instead, could be taken as a simple capsule.

None of this would have been possible without you. Thank you SO much for being a part of this journey, I cannot wait to see where it goes next!

And speaking of next, the 2022 Colfax Marathon Weekend is rapidly approaching, May 14-15, 2022! I will write again soon with more details, but we would LOVE to have you as part of our team! You can choose the race that suits you best: the 5K, 10 mile, half marathon (13.1 miles), full marathon (26.2 miles), or marathon relay (5 person relay with distances ranging from 4 to 6.5 miles). Walkers, hand-cyclers, strollers, and dogs welcome in the 5K!

If you are ready to sign up, simply visit the Colfax Registration page, choose the race you’d like to participate in, and select Achieving Cures Together as your Charity Partner. Please let me know if you have any questions!!

Now, all that said, I completely understand if running isn’t your thing. If you still want to “Run for Nana” and fight against C. diff, we will be raising funds again this year to directly support Achieving Cures Together and their fight against C. diff and other awful conditions. Please visit the link below if you would like to make a donation! Mailing address on website as well.

ACT Fundraising Page Link: www.achievingcures.com/2022colfaxmarathon.

Thank you again for all of your support, love, and generosity. Let’s keep the fight going against C. difficile!

All my love,



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