Refreshing Southwest Quinoa Salad!

August 30, 2021
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With fall around the corner, there's still time to enjoy and explore the great outdoors. One of my favorite ways to enjoy nature is camping. There’s nothing more healing than taking a step away from the busyness of life to enjoy the fresh air and good scenery...and also good food! Here’s a simple and delicious recipe for your next camping trip!

This recipe contains many ingredients that are beneficial for gut health such as quinoa, tomatoes, and avocados. Quinoa is known to be rich in protein, starches, fiber, essential nutrients, and prebiotic fibers that are good for gut health. Tomatoes contain fiber that promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria and avocados help to promote gut microbiome diversity.

Southwest Quinoa Salad (adapted from The Creative Bite)


  • 2 cups cooked quinoa
  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes (cut in halves)
  • 2 cups of avocados (cubed)
  • 1 cup your choice of protein (optional)
  • 1 cup of corn
  • ⅓ cup onions
  • ¾ cup your choice of dressing
  • Pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and store in the refrigerator for up to a week. Add any other of your favorite veggies or proteins! Serve chilled. My recommendations for this recipe include adding summer fruit such as strawberries or watermelon for a touch of sweetness. For the dressing, I personally enjoy spicier tastes so I added a bit of sriracha. It is also easier to mix this recipe if you put all the ingredients together in a sealed container and shake!


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