Breakfast with Food Allergies: Sweet Potato Hash

January 25, 2020
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This is another family favorite! These sweet potatoes, sweetened through caramelization pair perfectly with a cup of coffee or tea. They are delicious both on their own, or as shown in the below recipe, paired with sausage and additional veggies. If you’re not allergic to eggs, add a fried or scrambled egg on the side! This is an easy recipe to prep ahead of time to make mornings flow more smoothly. Chop and refrigerate all veggies in a sealed container the night before and in the morning simply season, coat with olive oil and pop them in the oven with the sausage.


3 sweet potatoes


Bell Peppers


Chicken Sausage


Sea Salt

Olive Oil



Preheat oven to broil. Wash and peel potatoes and chop veggies. If you like your potatoes tender on the inside, chop a little larger and cook at 425 degrees for 25-30 minutes. If you’re impatient like me and prefer them cooked faster, crispier and more caramelized, chop them a little smaller. Pour veggies in a cast iron skillet (or other broiler safe pan) and sprinkle with ground sea salt and rosemary to taste. Drizzle with olive oil and stir making sure each piece is coated. Add chicken sausage. Broil for 5-9 minutes, until beginning to brown.  Flip and return to broil until the other side of the veggies, potatoes & sausage brown, about 3-6 minutes, remove and enjoy!


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